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Activity 8 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 | Kunci Jawaban

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Activity 9 bahasa inggris kelas 8 membahas tentang “complete the following dialog with suitable sentences from the box” atau Lengkapi dialog berikut dengan kalimat yang sesuai dari kotak.

Dalam materi soal tersebut, para siswa disuruh untuk melengkapi dialog yang rumpang atau kosong dengan kalimat-kalimat yang sudah disediakan di dalam kotak. Siswa diminta untuk memahami konteks percakapan dan disuruh memilih jawaban yang tepat atau sesuai.

Dengan materi ini, para siswa diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kemampuan mereka dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris melalui percakapan dialog, serta dapat belajar tentang struktur kalimat.

Activity 8 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

Complete the following dialog with suitable sentences from the box. Practice the dialog with your friend.

I took suitable ragsI cut the patterned rags
What did you makeI made it for her
I stuck them into the owl bodyYou make a doll from rags
I chose the finest ragsWhat did you do then
How did you make itWhy did you choose an owl pattern

Wisnu : What do you think of this doll?
Kinar : t is nice! Is it your sister’s?
Wisnu : Yes, it is. (1) __________
Kinar : You made it?
Wisnu : I did. My siste is very found of dolls. That’s why. I made this doll for her.
Kinar : What a good brother! (2) __________?
Wisnu : First, I browsed articles from the internet on how to make an own doll from rags.
Kinar : Um … wait. (3) __________?
Wisnu : I did. We kept many rags in the storehouse and I chose the one that suited to maje a doll.
Kinar : (4) __________?
Wisnu : I drew an owl pattern on a newspaper. Then, I took a plain rag and put the owl pattern on it.
Kinar : (5) __________?
Wisnu : People sat that it is the bird of wisdom.
Kinar : I see. Then, what did you do?
Wisnu : (6) __________ and sewed it edge parts. Then, I filled in cotton and small rags into the owl doll. It would be the body of the doll.
Kimar : What about the other parts of the owl doll?
Wisnu : (7) __________ and cut them out in the patterns of owl’s eyes, cars, mouth, and nose. Then, (8) __________
Kinar : Wow! I don’t thing that it’s casy. I want to try it.


Berikut adalah jawaban yang telat untuk melengkapi dialog yang rumpang tersebut berdasarkan pilihan kalimat di dalam kotak.

  1. I made it for her
  2. How did you make it
  3.  You make a doll from rags
  4. What did you make
  5. Why did you choose an owl pattern
  6. I chose the finest rags
  7. I took suitable rags
  8. I stuck them into the owl body

Baca juga: Activity 8 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 | Kunci Jawaban

Nah itulah dia artikel tentang kunci jawaban dari activity 9 bahasa inggris kelas 8. Demikian artikel yang dapat bagikan dan semoga bermanfata.

Mas Pur Seorang freelance yang suka membagikan informasi, bukan hanya untuk mayoritas tapi juga untuk minoritas. Hwhw!

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